color hex string
Returns the user ID of the user the bot is logged in as.
the user ID
Returns chat history for the thread indicated by threadId.
The thread ID
The amount of messages to request
Used to describe the time of the most recent message to load. If timestamp is undefined, facebook will load the most recent messages.
promise with array of messages
Returns info about the thread.
promise with info object
Given the full name or vanity name of a Facebook user, event, page, group or app, the call will perform a Facebook Graph search and return all corresponding IDs (order determined by Facebook).
Returns info about the user(s) by their id(s).
promise with info object
Handles the message request for the specified thread ID.
whether to accept the request
Marks the thread as read.
Resolves the URL to the full-size photo, given its ID. This function is useful for retrieving the full-size photo URL of image attachments in messages, returned by getThreadHistory.
Sends a message.
the thread ID
plain string message or message object
promise with message object representing the sent message
Sends a typing indicator.
promise with a function that ends the typing indicator when called
Sets a reaction to a message.
the message ID
the reaction
Generated using TypeDoc
Changes the chat's color.